Help Using This Web Site

Sat. Feb. 22, 2025

This page seeks to help visitors more easily and productively use this web site.

Organization of this Web Site

To help you better understand the objectives and navigation of this web site, we offer the following introduction as to it's purpose and organizational structure. The categories shown below relate to the buttons on the blue "Navigation Menu Bar" that you see on the top of every page on this web site. To go to those categories, simply click on the appropriate button above, or on the link below.

About the Cherokee Group. Almost every web site that is sponsored by a public agency or private organization seeks to introduce its "owner", and advance the goals of that organization. We offer an overview of what Cherokee does, how we do it, and how it benefits you, on the series of pages starting with About Cherokee. If you're at this web site "checking us out", this is where we recommend you begin.

After introducing ourselves, and explaining how we advance community development, and help others solve their problems, we then provide a great deal of (hopefully) useful information geared towards the needs and interests of specific "interest groups".

Government & Community Development. If you are associated with a government agency or other non-profit organization, or if your interest is community development, we recommend you start on this page. This web page provides links to valuable community development resources, and how Cherokee facilitates these important goals.

People + Private Firms. If you are not from a government agency or social service organization, then this is your generic "start here" page. Banks, investors, contractors, tenants, reporters, and everyone else should start here to see an index of topics and links of interest to the "private sector".

Other Information. In addition to the preceding, we offer a variety of additional information that is not necessary focused on a specific audience. We have grouped this "other" information into what we call Other Information. This is a "catch all" page, including resources for those who work with us, or would like to work with us, or who are associated with a property, mortgage or other Cherokee asset, as well as links to other web sites with additional information and resources. This also has links to information about "non-performing" assets, resources for people seeking assistance, and "everything else".

The preceding describes the objectives and organization of this web site. The material in the column on the right offers information with regard to interfacing with this web site and its various functions.

Technical Assistance

Help Finding specific information:

This web site offers various methods by which you can locate the information you seek, or by which we try to present useful resources.

These include a Search function by which you can easily look for specific words or phrases on this site. (This is not searching the entire Internet.) Search allows you to find what you're looking for quickly, without having to "look around" for it manually.

We also offer a Frequently Asked Questions Page, also known as "FAQ". This is a list of common questions, and the applicable response.

Finally, we are building a Let Us Guide You function, which allows you to find information based on who you are, who you work with, or what your area of interest is. We think you'll find this "information concierge" useful.

Help with Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) files

Most downloadable documents on this web site are provided in Portable Document Format (PDF). To open these files you need special software installed on your computer that can open PDF files. You can download free PDF reader software from this web page.

Viewers with visual difficulties may find it useful to investigate services provided to improve the accessibility of Acrobat documents: on the Adobe web. Please note that these files might not be fully accessible for screen-reader software or other needs.

Help with FLASH Macromedia

This web site sometimes utilizes Macromedia FLASH files to enable interactivity and faster downloads of animated files. If you don't have the free Flash software installed, you will see pictures, but you won't see animations. If you do not have FLASH Macromedia installed on your computer, you can download the software, free of charge from the Macromedia website

Help Other Than Using This Web Site

For "Help" topics other than the technical and web site-related issues covered on this web page, please go to our main Help page.

If your questions are not resolved after utilizing the resources on our Help pages, please contact us by email using our Contact Us web page.

Thank you.