News + Views

Sat. Feb. 22, 2025
In our humble opinion...

Information and Opinions


What Should the Government Do About Subprime Mortgages?

Unintended Consequences is an article from the New York Times© written by the authors of Freakonomics, which discusses how a law will not necessarily benefit the intended beneficiary, and can have unintentional economic ramifications.

These pages present current news on major topics related to Cherokee's business, and our mission to improve the circumstances of families and communities, and also presents commentary as to the state of these markets, and the prognosis. This commentary may not reflect the views and opinions of Cherokee, especially if it is linked to other web sites.

Please remember that all content of this web site, including the links on this News & Views page, is offered as is and without any warranty. For further information about the terms that govern your use of this web site, please see our Terms of Use page, with special attention to the subsections entitled No Representations Or Warranties, No Legal Advise and General Disclaimers.

Here are two commentaries regarding two large investment markets, the stock market and the real estate market. These represent the views and opinions of the principals of the Cherokee Group, the owner of this web site. Cherokee is an opportunity buyer of distressed real estate and related debt.

Our Opinions + Commentary

As successful business people, and practitioners in the real estate and private capital markets, we have our own opinions as to what may have contributed to the current economic decline, and the desirability and viability of prospective solutions now being debated.

We offer our parochial opinions for what they're worth. In the interests of fairness and balance, we clearly segregate our opinions, shown below, from other material that is offered as news or educational materials.

Whether or not you agree with the views expressed here, we hope you will appreciate the need to have an open debate regarding these issues.

Economic Consequences

The Economic Consequences of Laws is a one page commentary which shows the importance of considering all the possible ramifications of new laws, and interfering in the private sector market. A variety of "bailout" and "economic stimulus" plans are being proposed in this US election year. We believe caution is in order, because there can be very significant consequences of these actions, that were not intended by the authors, and can sometimes have the opposite effect.

Vacant Homes Create Problems for Cities

Some cities are scrambling to cope with a surge in residential (and commercial) foreclosures, and abandoned properties. This is simply the latest consequence of the mortgage-lending crisis. In some areas, residential vacancy rates are the highest since the Great Depression. This commentary introduces the issues, and then offers our views as to the merits of some of the prospective solutions.

Additional "News and Views" will be posted on this web page over the coming weeks. In the interim, we invite your feedback, and thank you for your interest.