Affordable Housing + Community Development

Sat. Apr. 20, 2024

Affordable Housing + CommunityDevelopment

This page presents news and commentary on the state of community development initiatives, and the latest news on this topic.

Case Studies of Local Efforts to Mitigate Displacement from Gentrification. Concern over gentrification has grown in communities across the country as housing rental and sales prices have soared. Communities are trying to encourage neighborhood revitalization while mitigating the displacement of existing low-income families. This March 2006 study presents strategies seeking to enable moderate-income residents to live in revitalized and gentrified neighborhoods. (100 page PDF 956 k)

Rehabilitating Affordable Rural Housing Rehabilitating existing properties to create affordable housing (which is Cherokee's primary strategy) is not popular in the affordable housing world, because rehab is often considered too complicated and time-consuming than building new in quantity. This is a 20-page (2.2 megabyte) downloadable PDF document.