Cherokee Brochures (More Coming Soon)

Wed. Mar. 12, 2025

Downloadable Cherokee Information

Download These Information Sheets:

  • Cherokee - The Asset Alchemist: Who we are, what we do and what makes us different.
  • Cherokee NPL CRA Sellers Brochure: A summary of why your bank should consider selling assets to Cherokee.
  • How Cherokee Rescues Innocent Stakeholders: Our becoming involved in distress "situations" leads to a resolution. There is usually a "controlling stakeholder" whose irresponsible actions, or inactions, created or facilitated the problems. However there are also many other stakeholders, who are innocent, and powerless to distance themselves from the distress, such as neighbors, lenders, family and business associates, etc.
  • Cherokee's Acquisition Criteria: information regarding the criteria we use when evaluating a prospective acquisition, and how we work with brokers and intermediaries.
  • Herd Mentality Creates Mispricing Opportunities: This paper presents Cherokee's views on the market's mispricing of assets, how we avoid these traps, and how we profit as a result.
  • Derivatives Explained: a brief explanation of derivatives in the form of a simple analogy.

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Thank you for your interest in Cherokee, and for visiting our web site.