Safety Info for all Housing Dwellers

Mon. Mar. 31, 2025
For your safety edification...

Safety Info for All Housing Dwellers

There are many things to consider when it comes to protecting yourself, your family and your neighbors. The information on this page is offered by Cherokee as a public service to all residential occupants, whether you own or rent, regardless of whether you live in an apartment or a single family home. The principles are the same. This does not replace or supersede the information you received from Cherokee, or your own landlord. This material summarizes some important topics to consider.

If you are a tenant of a Cherokee property, the information on this web page is a supplement to the information you received from Cherokee with your lease or lease renewal. For our tenants, and the general public, we offer this information for your safety edification.

The Home Safety Council (HSC) is a national nonprofit organization dedicated to preventing home related injuries that result in nearly 20,000 deaths and 21 million medical visits on average each year. It is a leading source of home safety tips, checklists and information about home fire safety, falls prevention, poison prevention, water safety, child safety, disaster preparedness as well as many other home safety topics.

The State Farm Insurance company also has a lot of useful information about home safety tips at their web site. This includes fire safety, as well as a wide range of safety topics from preventing dog bites to preventing electrical hazards to special information for child protection. Kudos to State Farm.

Crime prevention and personal safety tips to help keep you and your community safe from crime are available from the National Crime Prevention Council.

What should you do to do if Your carbon monoxide detector Goes Off? A CO Detector goes off if it detects the presence of Carbon Monoxide, which is a DEADLY gas that you often cannot see and cannot smell. If your detector goes off, stay calm, and move everyone outside. Remember to take deep breaths of fresh air. This one page document titled What To Do If Your Carbon Monoxide Detector Goes Off provides additional information.

Cherokee has prepared a separate page on this web site on the topic of protecting your family and tenants from the dangers of indoor air pollution.

How to Child Proof Your Home. Millions of children are injured in their own homes every year, and most of these injuries are preventable. This 2-page PDF presentation covers some of the main ways you can protect your children.

Fire Safety Tips for Your Home & Family. There are over half a million serious home fires in America every year, causing over 4,000 deaths and over $4 billion dollars in losses. Many of these can be prevented. This 3-page presentation describes some of the easiest ways to help protect your home and family.

Insurance Protection for Renters. Nothing is as important as the health and safety of you and your family. But accidents happen, even when everyone was careful and did everything right. This 2-page document summarizes the need for tenants to have Renters Insurance. It introduces the topics, and the questions you should ask your agent.

Being Prepared for Disasters. This 61-page PDF booklet, published by FEMA, explains how to prepare for almost any disaster, from storms and floods to riots and wars.

For information regarding issues associated with indoor air quality in your home, and how you can reduce the threat to yourself, your family, and your community, please see Protecting Your Family/Tenants from Indoor Air Pollution.

Do you need a lawyer, but can't afford one? If so, you may be able to get free or discounted legal services. To learn more, and to locate legal services in your state, please see our Legal Aid web page.

Links to other sites related to safety and disaster preparedness: