
Sat. Feb. 22, 2025
Thank you for your interest in The Cherokee Group. This web site is focused on our real estate and community development activities. To learn who we are, what we do, and how we help you, please follow the links below.


This page is intended for individuals and institutions interested in becoming financial partners with Cherokee by investing in one or more of our activities.

See; buying investment properties if you are interested in buying from us.

Check Us Out or download our brochures to your own computer, so that you can print them, save them, or share them with others.

Mortgage fraud hurts everyone. You can help fight it, and thereby help stabilize your own property investments, and reduce the cost of credit to us all. .

Cherokee is not a broker, and we are not investment advisors. We are principal investors. Presently we do not take money from outside investors. The Cherokee Partners are all principals of our company, and actively involved in the management of our business. Frankly, the hardest part of our business is finding attractive acquisition opportunities, not finding the capital.

This page is NOT placed on this web site because we are soliciting investors. Rather, it's here because when investors come to our web sites and don't see information for them, they contact us anyway.

We appreciate your interest in Cherokee, and understand your interest in the field of distressed assets. Done properly it can produce handsome profits. However, at this time we are unable to accommodate reQuests that we invest funds on behalf of others. We appreciate your understanding.