Cherokee Business Certifications

Fri. Feb. 14, 2025
This page describes the business certifications of two Cherokee companies, and discloses the licensing status of our real estate brokerage operation in New Jersey.

Cherokee Business Certifications

If you are a prime contractor seeking subcontractors with certain set-aside qualifications, or if you are seeking vendors and other service providers who have these ownership attributes, please see below, and also please see Cherokee as Subcontractor to Others.

If you are conducting basic due diligence on us, and are not necessarily interested in these minority and small-business ownership aspects, please see Checking Us Out for general background information. You can also download documents from tour Brochures page.

The New Jersey Commerce and Economic Growth Commission, Office of Development for Small Business and Women and Minority Businesses, and reciprocally, the United States Federal Government, in accordance with the Unified Certification Act, certified two Cherokee business units as follows:

  • Cherokee Resolutions Inc. is certified by the State of New Jersey as a WBE (Woman Business Enterprise) as per NJAC 12A: 11-1.1 et seq. Certificate Number 30653-15 will be provided upon reQuest.
  • Quest Commercial Inc. is certified by the State of New Jersey as a WBE (Woman Business Enterprise) as per NJAC 12A: 11-1.1 et seq. Certificate Number 30655-15 will be provided upon reQuest.

Either of these companies is eligible to whatever set asides or bid preferences are accorded companies of this status. This includes public and private contracts, such as property management for banks and government agencies, or due diligence associated with portfolio analysis.

Licensing Disclosures

Quest Commercial Inc., an affiliated Cherokee company, is licensed by the State of New Jersey as a real estate broker (New Jersey Statutes, Title 45). Quest is also a member of several Multiple Listing Services.

For reasons of personal and family security and privacy, we do not list licensing information or numbers as it relates to individuals. However this information will be freely disclosed upon reQuest by any party having a legitimate interest.

The broker of record for Quest Commercial is Charlotte Cohen. Jay Wolfkind is a licensed sales associate and employed by Quest.

In some instances, properties listed for sale or lease on this web site may also be listed on one or more MLS (Multiple Listing Systems) by Quest, and Cherokee or one of its principals or employees may also be employed by Quest as a licensed real estate salesperson.

By having entered this web site, and by working with Cherokee, you acknowledge these disclosures, and you expressly waive any attendant conflict or claim, and acknowledge and agree that you have not relied upon any advice or representation by Cherokee, Quest or any other party unless and until contained in writing.

You, and any third parties to any prospective transaction involving any Cherokee business entity, understand that Cherokee is not an advisor or fiduciary to you. Cherokee is acting in its own best interests, and these may be adversarial to your interests. You explicitly waive any conflict of interest or recourse related to the real estate licensing of any person (New Jersey Statutes, Title 45).

More information about Cherokee can be found at Checking Out Cherokee? You can also find and download Our Brochures to your own computer, so that you can print them, save them, or share them with others.